*******MEMBERSHIP STEPS**********
Step 1: Become a National High School Rodeo Association (NHSRA) member. Tutorial and web page links are included within these instructions. https://www.nhsra.com/
- Here is a link to the step-by-step visuals to guide you through the process.
- If you are a RENEWING NHSRA member, please DO NOT create a new account, sign in with your username and password. You can reset your password using the link on the login page. If you were a National Junior High member, then you are RENEWING as a High School Member. RENEWING membership video: https://youtu.be/MsQsrnd6M8Q
- If you are a NEW member to NHSRA: please register a new account on the NHSRA Member Management Portal. See the top banner of their web page. NEW members registering video: https://youtu.be/2CVtW_6FQcg-
- If you live outside of Mississippi and want to rodeo in our association, the transfer process will be handled by the National Directors.
- After you have completed or updated your National Membership Profile, you will be prompted to print the NATIONAL and STATE forms. Follow the instructions on the forms and note which ones require a notary.
NOTE: Both Parents must sign the form!! They will send it back if both lines are not filled in. You may put the reason only one parent is signing the form on the otherwise blank line (full custody, passed away, etc.) Once completed, the National & State forms MUST be uploaded and attached to your profile. Please select the proper Document Title and Category when uploading the forms. No paper forms will be accepted. It's similar to uploading a photo to Facebook.
You will pay both the National and State dues online through the National membership portal.
If you experience any problems with the membership portal call 1-800-466-4772 and/or check the Help option.
Step 2:
- School Transcripts:
o Any contestant that DID NOT RIDE at the MS State Finals Rodeo (HS or Jr. High 8th grade) or is a new member to MHSRA, will also need a school transcript sent in. See the directions on the MS Membership Form.
o Any contestant that DID RIDE at the MS State Finals Rodeo (High School or Jr. High 8th grade), does not need to send in another transcript.
Transcripts MUST be mailed or emailed DIRECTLY FROM YOUR SCHOOL or this application WILL NOT be valid. A complete grade transcript with 2022-2023 to current school year grades, grading scale, principal's signature and school seal or stamp on it! Homeschoolers: Please provide proof of enrollment. This is also covered on the MS Membership form.
Step 3: Once your National membership profile is updated and all of your National and State forms are completed, notarized, and uploaded, you will be processed fully and can enter the next rodeo available.
The Membership fees for the 2023-2024 season will be $165.00 plus service fees.
- $139 is for NHSRA membership, which is NOT optional. $26 is for the MHSRA membership.
Membership is currently open (08/1/2023) and will remain open until the first day of May, 2024.
YOU MUST complete all of the steps ASAP so you will not miss an online rodeo entry! No exceptions as the software cannot download a member who is not in a completed status.
Step 4: Adult Memberships are an optional item. If you would like to become an adult member please print the form, located in the Forms & Links tab. Complete the form and mail a check or turn it in at a rodeo. The adult membership fee is $20 per adult. The membership year runs from Sept. 1 to Aug. 31.
ONLINE ENTRIES: See Tab on this web site.
Please note: We have converted to an ONLINE ENTRY process for ALL Rodeos, Cuttings, and Reined Cow Horse Events and Shooting Sports. See the Forms and Links tab for printed directions on how to use the online entry system. This tab also has the schedule of dates entries open, date when a late fee is applied and date when entries are officially closed at midnight. Contestants are generally given 10-12 days to enter. No exceptions for late fees will be made if an entry is missed.
See you soon!